Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Jelen Family

Meet the Jelen Family!

Poutty faces used to their best!

I love this one! Notice the little one's eye direction. Her mom had just asked for a kiss moments before going to Grandma. Mom doesn't get any kisses but Grandma does! My son use to play that game with me all the time!

Sweet cousins!

We even took a few of the beloved dogs!

The originals!

It's amazing what a few gold fish crackers will do. Look at those smiles!

Daddy's little girl! I love this because I too was the youngest and very close to my Dad!

I wanted to post his particular session to show good use of a family photo session. My package includes travel to one location and no sitting fee. I always tell clients to make the most of it. This session was great, we got the parents and children and the grand kids in an hour. We took the photos at grandma and grandpa's house because that were their best memories are.

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