Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Doyle Haunting 2009

The Invite!
The kids and I made invitations for their friends to come to our haunted house.

We used black garbage bags to make a divider wall in the middle of our basement. The lights show you the path they'll walk .

Scary stuff!!

Our Creepy table! Still more work in this room, we're about 75% finished.

The door way into the next room.

This will be the a very cool room, lot of work tomorrow!

We LOVE Halloween here at my house! We've been planning a haunted house for months. Our family and a few friends will be helping with the set up. The kids are super excited, they invited friends from school to come this Friday evening. Both of my kids will be hiding and ready to scare their friends!
We just started the decorating of the basement tonight. I'm documenting the stage's of creating the haunted house. I really get into the decor so I hope you enjoy the photos! Just a few snap shots from tonight. I will hopefully update again tomorrow so, check back!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Kruse Family

Fall season at the Kruse house.

The newest Kruse member.

So Sweet! I couldn't believe how gentle they were with him!

Playing with Dad.

I love the uniqueness kids bring to photos. It may not be what we had planned for, but still a great shot!

If this doesn't say "Beautiful Mother" I don't know what does!

His shirt is so cute and true!

It was such a joy to spend a couple hours with the Kruse family. They have three adorable little boys. The two oldest were so much fun! We played outside in their awesome backyard with their swing set, club house and a trampoline! It was amazing to watch them interact with their new baby brother too. I can't wait to work with them again!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sarah and Steve Wedding


Sarah and Steve were married at the French House in French Park. It's such a beautiful location! They had such a great day too, the rain stopped just in time for their outdoor wedding. Sarah's flowers were by Courtenay Lambert, they were amazing! The colors went so well with Sarah's details. To sum it all up, we had a beautiful location, a beautiful couple and gorgeous decor, how could we go wrong? Best of luck to the newly weds!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lincoln and the Big walk

One sunny fall day Lincoln went to the park with his mom and dad for a big walk.

He found a great stick along the way.

There were lots of other walkers, many of them had dogs. If we were lucky they'd stop so we could pet them.

Dad found a great spider!

Lincoln was so happy.

We even stopped for a portrait for mom

Sometimes there's angel light on the trail

And giant trees!

What a great day for a walk!

The end.