The Invite!
The kids and I made invitations for their friends to come to our haunted house.

We used black garbage bags to make a divider wall in the middle of our basement. The lights show you the path they'll walk .

Scary stuff!!

Our Creepy table! Still more work in this room, we're about 75% finished.

The door way into the next room.

This will be the a very cool room, lot of work tomorrow!

We LOVE Halloween here at my house! We've been planning a haunted house for months. Our family and a few friends will be helping with the set up. The kids are super excited, they invited friends from school to come this Friday evening. Both of my kids will be hiding and ready to scare their friends!
We just started the decorating of the basement tonight. I'm documenting the stage's of creating the haunted house. I really get into the decor so I hope you enjoy the photos! Just a few snap shots from tonight. I will hopefully update again tomorrow so, check back!!